How harnessing your inner hero can help you take climate action

It’s not without a doubt that the climate crisis can leave many of us feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or burnt out. The current capitalist system we live in perpetuates these feelings by encouraging us to internalize limiting beliefs and to believe that we must hold certain qualifications to take action. We can think that we may not be good enough to take action on our planet, but by challenging the status quo and changing the way we see ourselves, we can feel empowered to take action while taking care of ourselves.

VIRIDESCENT presenting their "HARNESS YOUR HERO" workshop with the Soapbox community

Practicing self-sustainability is essential if we want to create and live in a sustainable world. With the help of our friends from VIRIDESCENT whose mission is to support changemakers in practicing regenerative leadership, our Soapbox community tapped into their personal strengths to learn more about self-sustainability by becoming their ‘Sustainability Alter~Egos’. Through this session, we created our own rules and had fun as we rethink the roles we can play to take action. Here’s how you can join us on this journey. 

Fight climate change in a way that works for you.

💌 Thinking about sustainability can be overwhelming after a busy workday, so we're here to help. Join over 7,000 other busy people and subscribe to Changeletter, a bite-sized action plan that'll take you 3 minutes or less to read every week.
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"The info is always timely, actionable, and never stale." - Aishwarya Borkar,
Headshot of Meghan Mehta speaking at Google with a microphone in her hand
"Making social change always felt so overwhelming until I started reading this newsletter." - Meghan Mehta, Google

What is immersive sustainability?

VIRIDESCENT approaches immersive sustainability in three spheres: circularity, art, and science. To practice self sustainability, we need to see ourselves and the world differently. In a circular system, we are not separate, but instead, are intrinsically interconnected and interdependent with nature. By practicing the ways of art, we can tap into our creativity to imagine a better world we would like to live in. As we envision this reality, we can then apply existing scientific knowledge and frameworks for a better future. By practicing these three pillars, we can adopt a holistic approach to climate action. 

How immersive sustainability helps us build self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is the way we talk about climate action at Soapbox Project. It’s the powerful idea that taking action helps you feel better! Verywell Mind defines it for us:

Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to complete a task or achieve a goal. It encompasses a person's confidence in themselves to control their behavior, exert an influence over their environment, and stay motivated in the pursuit of their goal.” In short, self-efficacy is a fancy word for our belief that we can make a difference.

The impact of climate anxiety on our mental health has been in several ongoing conversations. When we don’t have a strong sense of self-efficacy, we are more likely to give up. When we give up, well, we’ve seen the damage done to our planet even in our own lifetimes. 

It’s now important more than ever to practice self-efficacy in building resiliency for taking action. By engaging in elements of immersive sustainability, we can feel better by doing better on a personal level, thus, harnessing our self-efficacy.

Why create an alter~ego

This is your opportunity to let your imagination run wild. To tap into your inner hero and challenge any limiting beliefs you hold, start by imagining your Alter~go. Your Alter~Ego allows you to return home to yourself, escape into your own reality, reframe those beliefs, and to reflect on the traits that make you… YOU. 

Adapted from our workshop with VIRIDESCENT, here are three steps for creating your Alter~Ego and harnessing your best self:

Step 1:  Find your animal personality 🦥

We can all relate to an animal. Our animals in nature can strengthen our sense of identity and bring clarity to your personality. There is power in this relation that few of us tap into. To go deeper, reflect on the following questions: 

🙉 For example, Soapbox community member Aditi chooses a monkey as her animal personality: “My favorite qualities about a monkey are that they are cute and innocent, but also very human, which I can relate to.”

By reflecting on your animal personality, you can pinpoint key traits that define you and see how they show up in the world. 

Step 2 - Find your elemental philosophy 🍃

Our world would not exist without the natural elements around us (the moon, water, a particular type of flower, etc.). Nature’s elements are regenerative and are always present within our everyday lives. Integrating nature's elements into our lives shape how we approach life and the world views we hold. Reflect on the following questions:

Soapbox member Medha chooses water as her element: “Water is an essential part of life. My career revolves around water, stormwater specifically, and it affects how we manage our land and resources. It's something we may not think about in our everyday lives, but it's a huge part of how we structure our society. If we take care of our Earth and its resources, we eventually take care of our overall well-being”

Step 3 – Find your sustainability beacon ⚡

Your sustainability beacon allows you to strengthen your changemaker identity that lies within your motivation and passions. When we have a root system and a reminder of why we’re taking action, we can become the change we want to see. Reflect on the following questions:

Founder, Nivi, shares that a power anchor is the sustainability beacon and underlying philosophy of Soapbox: “We have a lot more power than we think we do. I always ask people to envision what they can do if they have the power to change the outcome. People realize that it's far more within their reach than they can feel.”

By reflecting on how their best traits and passions shape their changemaker identity, our Soapbox community learns to approach climate action holistically.  

How your alter ego can make you a climate changemaker  

Harnessing your Alter~Ego helps you tap into your traits that would make you the best climate leader you can be. When you reframe your limiting beliefs, you can build self-efficacy, move beyond burnout, and motivate yourself towards a balanced purpose. 

When we are able to show up for ourselves and use your traits as our superpower, we are able to find creative solutions for our world’s challenges and ask the right questions. Rather than working towards a sustainable future, you can create a reality that brings it to life right here, right now. As a result, you can approach climate action with fulfillment, gratitude, and new ways to connect with ourselves and the world. 

To begin the path to your Alter~Ego, join VIRIDESCENT’s email experience here OR check out their HARNESS YOUR HERO Program.

Fight climate change in a way that works for you.

💌 Thinking about sustainability can be overwhelming after a busy workday, so we're here to help. Join over 7,000 other busy people and subscribe to Changeletter, a bite-sized action plan that'll take you 3 minutes or less to read every week.
Headshot of Ash Borkar (a woman with glasses and a cardigan)
"The info is always timely, actionable, and never stale." - Aishwarya Borkar,
Headshot of Meghan Mehta speaking at Google with a microphone in her hand
"Making social change always felt so overwhelming until I started reading this newsletter." - Meghan Mehta, Google

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