Eat the rich & billionaire philanthropy

Billionaire philanthropy, a quiz on how rich you are, and putting our money where our mouths are.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes 

Ever wonder about the carbon footprint of rich people, even yourself? Content warning: this action pack might nudge you to re-examine your own life and privilege.

Here’s what we’ll cover step-by-step: 

  1. READ: How are the rich destroying our planet?
  2. WATCH: Lets eat the rich, but who exactly?
  3. ACT: How can we create positive change with our wallet?
  4. REFLECT: Will the rich prevail?

We'll dig deeper into the real culprit of carbon emissions. Yes Jeff Bezos, but we’ll also see where we stand. Eat the rich or the rich eat you, so let’s feast!

Fight climate change in a way that works for you.

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Headshot of Ash Borkar (a woman with glasses and a cardigan)
"The info is always timely, actionable, and never stale." - Aishwarya Borkar,
Headshot of Meghan Mehta speaking at Google with a microphone in her hand
"Making social change always felt so overwhelming until I started reading this newsletter." - Meghan Mehta, Google

Wealthier people produce more carbon pollution

🎯 Action step 1 of 4: READ — Let's start by looking at a few articles together.

Yes, the more money we have, them more we're likely to pollute.

Here are your three bite-sized action reading choices that explain why:

  1. We should care about Kim Kardashian’s private jet — Soapbox Project
  2. How the rich are driving climate change — BBC’s Carbon Cost
  3. Wealthier people produce more carbon pollution — even the “green” ones — Vox

Each of the facts below is linked to one of three articles. Pick the article that resonates most with you — your bite-sized action is to read ONE of these articles.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • 🛬 Celebrities are truly wilding out here. Kim Kardashian recently took a 17-minute trip on her cashmere-lined private jet… which emitted 2 tons of CO2. Look up “average global carbon footprint” and be shocked at what this means. (Soapbox Project Journal)
  • 🤢 Billionaires who are “climate advocates” are… very confusing. Bill Gates, who wrote a book about climate change and does charity, took 59 flights in 2017, covering a distance more than eight times around the world. His travel generated more than the equivalent of the yearly emissions of 105 Americans. Just his flights!! (BBC’s Carbon Cost)
  • 💰 However, the billionaire might be YOU. Ok, you’re not a billionaire, but maybe you ARE part of the global elite. "As soon as you fly, you belong to a global elite," says Eat the Rich expert Stefan Gössling. More than 90% of people in the world have never flown! (BBC’s Carbon Cost)
  • 👣 Green intentions ≠ green impacts… sad. Ecological footprint is determined mostly by wealth. As much as we like bringing along our reusable straw, this action is overruled by our lifestyle choices such asflying, driving, and eating factory-farmed meat. Here’s a not-fun fact: ”Environmental identity will lead to some relatively low-impact (high-signaling) pro-environmental behaviors, but it rarely drives serious reductions in the biggest sources of lifestyle emissions. Environmental self-identification rises with income, but so do emissions.” (Vox on “green” wealthy people)
  • 🤔 Choice editing, which prevents certain products coming to the market, is one possible solution to our overconsumption mess. VERY IMPORTANT note—NONE of this is to say your individual choices don’t matter. They do! Especially if you’re part of the global elite (e.g. you’ve been on a plane before), this means you can influence other members of the global elite. But beyond our own actions, choice editing can be a powerful tool. This is where “governments restrict carbon-intensive products—like private jets or mega yachts—from coming to market in the first place. The idea is low-carbon options, many of which already exist, will fill the gap.” This is a hot take, but choice editing is already happening all around us. (BBC’s Carbon Cost)

Many challenges lie ahead of us. We might find it hard to palate our complicity in the problem. Richer people might use all their wealth to lobby against sustainable policies (which is currently what’s happening). It might be difficult to find the courage to talk about our lifestyle choices with our friends. Good news — there will be some EASY action steps ahead of us!

🏁 Checkpoint: This is the end of action step 1 of 4: READ.

What about billionaire philanthropy?

🎯 Action step 2 of 4: LISTEN — we'll watch a short video or listen to a podcast to further expand on our topic.

Here's a video that'll let you decide which part of the rich to eat.

Ready for the verdict? Here's what you'll learn: 

  • 💰 Billionaire philanthropists benefit from donating $. This is through 3 main ways: whitewashing, financial consolidation, and building influence. Donations help billionaires boost their public image, get HUGE tax write-offs which robs the government + public of money, and get to make big-ticket donations and get more say in what priorities non-profits should focus on. Money is tied to power and many organizations are being dragged away from radical change since they now depend on billionaire philanthropy. Undemocratic to the max 🚀
  • 🤑 Exploitative practices make people rich. Why should they dismantle this system? There’s really no systemic incentive for billionaires to dismantle extractive capitalism. The same system that’s made these people rich is exactly what’s fueling climate change. The richest 1% cause DOUBLE the emissions of the world’s poorest 50%. As we talked about in the previous module, wealth is closely tied to emissions!
  • 💼 The ultra-wealthy are really not “doing their part”. A study showed that the richest 20 people gave only .8% of their wealth in 2018. As the video says, billionaires are “spending millions to mask the harm they cause making billions.” 🤯
  • 🖥️ Billionaire climate solutions over-index on technological solutions and ignore systems change.

In conclusion: yes, we can include philanthropists in our meal plan of eating the rich.

🏁 Checkpoint: This is the end of action step 2 of 4: LISTEN.

How rich are you? Here's you can put your money where your mouth is

🎯 Action step 3 of 4: ACT — Now it's time to do something. Let's go!

We have WAY more power (and money) than we realize, and we are experiencing Real People issues. Here's what you can do starting today: 

1. Check yourself before you wreck your… planet.

You may have heard the phrase “check your privilege” before with respect to race, but climate privilege is a thing too. Answer one simple question for yourself: How Rich Am I?

2. Conduct a lifestyle audit.
See the bigger picture of where you fit in on the global scale—carbon emissions and all. Yes, no one individual is responsible for the climate crisis, BUT, the more we emit, the more control we likely have over solutions. We love using Commons, which shows you how your spending habits stack up with carbon emissions. It's a very helpful tool in deciding how much to fret (or not) over our own life choices.

3. Make it a PRIORITY to shift where your money lives.
You've heard me say this MULTIPLE times already. Switching where you bank/invest, either fully or partially, is one of the simplest high-impact steps to take, especially since many of us ARE the “rich” in “eat the rich”. Our actions absolutely matter, and we want to help you — if you haven’t switched your bank/investment account(s) yet, what’s stopping you? 💡 We used Mighty Deposits to switch banks and Carbon Collective for investment accounts.

4. Fund culture change.
The great thing about having climate privilege is that WE are in charge of the world we’re building. We find it really important to put aside money each month/year for cultural shifts we want to see. A few examples in our own life include contributing monthly to Grist, which reports on climate solutions, Wikipedia, which keeps info free, and most recently, we're contributing to Create the Future’s crowdfunding campaign. You should too — this climate anthology is amazing.

5. Ban billionaires.
We have to be honest — this is a placeholder action because it’s an entire topic that requires policy change. So, join Climate Changemakers, our partner who is incredible at making policy easy for anyone to get involved in. If you live in the United States, you can also check out Represent Us, an org working on campaign finance reform.

6. Find small ways to eat the rich #TheSnackThatSmilesBack
Your voice matters, and there are SO many people who care about what you have to say, whether you know it or not. Find small ways to (gently?) call out overconsumption. This can be really small, like when your friends dream about buying a bigger house, maybe you share YOUR dream of a resilient future! Or when rich and famous lifestyles are glamorized, push back on why this wastefulness is "cool".

Ok that was a lot of hodge-podgey, but some relevant Eat the Rich actions. It’s time for us to step up and use our voices for change, so let’s get on our soapboxes and make a real difference.

🏁 Checkpoint: This is the end of action step 3 of 4: ACT.

Will the rich prevail?

Before we go any further, it's time for you to pledge your commitment. It takes less than 30 seconds to pledge and we can bother you about it in a friendly way, so we can hold each other accountable. Pledge here!

🎯 Action step 4 of 4: REFLECT — what can you commit to? What fresh perspectives can we look at?

Netflix just put out a show called Love, Death & Robots. We watched the first episode  and it was… very timely for the content we’re running. There is literally a scene that is about eating the rich. We're not kidding. Watch the episode “Three Robots: Exit Strategies” from Volume 3 — it really does leave a lot of room for reflection. The episode is only 15 mins long, and we'll leave you with some reflection questions below.

Some things to noodle on:

  • How does your How Rich Am I? result from our ACT module make you feel? In general? In the context of the video?
  • What do you think about the narrative the episode tells about humans and their role in the apocalypse? What role do you think humans will play in the future — apocalypse, redemption, or both?
  • If you were to write this episode, how would you reimagine it?

Ultimately, we need real change from real people. Movement and community-building is critical to the world we want to live in. Previously, we mentioned that if you’ve ever taken a flight on a plane, you are part of the global elite. Well, this is GREAT NEWS! We might not be ultra-rich like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Jeff Bezos, but we’re in the perfect position to make a difference.

🏁 Checkpoint: This is the end of action step 4 of 4: REFLECT.

Check out our membership community for more resources like free weekly events with social justice experts, sustainable product discounts, pre-written email templates, a social impact job board, and in-person hangouts with new friends. Thanks for taking action with Soapbox Project!

Fight climate change in a way that works for you.

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Headshot of Ash Borkar (a woman with glasses and a cardigan)
"The info is always timely, actionable, and never stale." - Aishwarya Borkar,
Headshot of Meghan Mehta speaking at Google with a microphone in her hand
"Making social change always felt so overwhelming until I started reading this newsletter." - Meghan Mehta, Google

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